First Name
Last Name
Where did you sleep last night?
Why do you need/want our program?
Have you ever been:
If yes, why? Please be specific.
What is your marital/relationship status?
Do you have any children?
What is your highest level of education?
Do you have a drivers License? (If not, why not?)
Employment Information (current and past job skills. Are you willing/able to work 40 hours a week?)
What type of work do you like to do?
Military History
Please provide any Mental Health Information (diagnoses, outpatient treatment dates and locations)
Have you ever attempted or contemplated committing suicide?
Substance abuse information (current/past, type of substance, length of use, treatment info-inpatient or outpatient, are you willing to be connected to services if not already?)
What role did substance use or compulsive habits play in your incarceration or periods of bad experiences in your life?
Do you use tobacco? If yes, how many packs/cans per day?
Physical Health Information: (diagnoses/history, needs, chronic conditions, insurance, medical provider. Do you require special accommodations? If yes, what are they?
List all current medications (If possible, include dosage and frequency taken).
What are your thoughts about participating in mandatory chores or student training programs?
Do you owe child support? If so, how much and are you currently paying.
Have you ever been arrested? (If so, when and for what)
Have you ever been convicted of a felony? (If so, what was the crime, sentence and place served?)
If currently incarcerated, when is your expected EOS (end of sentence) date?
Are you currently on probation? (If so, what is the probation officer’s name, what are the requirements and when is the expected termination date?)
Are you required under the laws of a state or the Federal government to register as a sexual offender or sexual predator? THIS IS NOT a disqualifier
Other agency involvement (agency and case worker’s names and numbers, services provided in the past year, any problems or difficulties encountered)
Behavioral Information: Regardless of fault, have you ever been removed or banned from any place?
Have you ever had a restraining order filed against you? If yes, why?
What are your hobbies, activities, interests
What do you want to improve in your life? What do you want to eliminate in your life?
Future Plans Do you have a spiritual support system? If yes, what? What are your future plans? Where would you like to be living one year from now?
What are you thoughts about attending/participating in mandatory Christian church services and Bible studies?